donderdag 30 juni 2011

school's out for summer!

my daughter and me made this 'best-teacher-award', hand-drawn on one side, a picture of her on the other. Glued together with a ribbon inside....easy does it, but with a nice personal touch and instant happiness for the one who receives it. thanks for the tip, eva!

maandag 27 juni 2011

dear photograph

dear photograph : take a picture of a picture from the past in the present.
simple, funny and a great idea.

donderdag 23 juni 2011

homemade sidewalk chalk

this is a nice thing to do, with the big summer holiday coming up..
keep us posted how well it worked out! *-*

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers makes art.
he also makes drawings,
a picture book or 5 (following later, soo great!)

these are some of his miscellaneous works...

maandag 20 juni 2011


i've been experimenting with lots of materials to create some jewlery for van hassels womens' collection (summer 2012).
felt like a little girl in a candy shop.
these designs won't make it to the shop, can't show you yet which ones did...

zondag 19 juni 2011

flowers in the garden

all the flowers in the garden (read: terrace) seems to be lilac or purple.
not my favorite colours, but like this, i do love it.
dahlia, cosmos, hortensia, hosta, passiflora

vrijdag 17 juni 2011

congratulations... ourselves!
we designed some new postcards, and yes!, they are already available in our shop

donderdag 16 juni 2011

where children sleep

Where Children Sleep- stories of diverse children around the world, told through portraits and pictures of their bedrooms.
The book is written and presented for an audience of 9-13 year olds ' intended to interest and engage children in the details of the lives of other children around the world, and the social issues affecting them, while also being a serious photographic essay for an adult audience.

woensdag 15 juni 2011


¿ADÓNDE? is an online store, with nice stuff.
difficult choice, between the vase and the candle holder...

zaterdag 11 juni 2011


for 36 weeks, a sketchbook was sent in random order to 4 artists,
two in Belfast, two in Brooklyn.
This is the result!